
Welcome to Course

Digital Marketing A to Z

Kickstart your career in Digital Marketing
24th-28th June

Day 2 : 25th June, 2020

Making Your Website

Digital Marketing

In this section, we will learn :

  • How to use WordPress to make a site in 60 minutes for free.
  • How to host your site locally.
  • How to add pages, posts, menu and widgets.
  • Secret Plugins to make your site Smart and Sexy.
  • Hosting your Website.

Email Marketing

In this section, we will learn :

  • Why market your business with email?
  • How to create a MailChimp account and start a campaign.
  • How to build an email list from scratch.
  • How to write an email that sparkles.
  • Task 2

[Note: All tasks have to be submitted on or before 28th June, 2020]

Let's just jump right into the lessons. All the Best!

1. How to Use WordPress to make a Site in 60 Minutes for Free?

2. How to Host your Site Locally?

3. How to add pages, posts, menu and widgets?

4. Secret Plugins to make your site Smart and Sexy.

4. Hosting Your Website.

Now that you have completed the "Making Your Website" module, let's move on to the next module for today.

Email Marketing

1. Why market your Business with Email?

2. How to Create a MailChimp account and start a Campaign?

3. How to build an email list from scratch?

3. How to write an email that sparkles?

Now comes the task for today to practically apply the knowledge you've gained through all the lessons for today.

4. Task for the Day :

I hope that now, you've got a more clear picture of the course and completed the lessons and task for Day 2 successfully.

See you tomorrow with more productive learnings and tasks!

Course Schedule

Day 1


Market Research

Day 2


Email Marketing

Day 3


Google Ads

Day 4


Facebook ads

Day 5




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Yes, it is 100% free for all.

NO, you don’t need any prior experience. This course starts from scratch. The only thing you
need is motivation and attention.

You will not need anything else; all the content will be provided by us.

If you submit all tasks and pay the charge of 199 rupees, you will get a digital certificate.

For any more queries, please write to