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20 Amazing Ways to make Money Online in India like a Pro [Video]

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The Internet has connected the whole world. It has led to the formation of multiple social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and many more.

As the number of users on Internet keeps on increasing, so does the job opportunities created by it. So today, we are going to discuss multiple ways to make money online in India. If you are a student and can give some time on a regular basis, then you can make a decent sum of money quickly.

Though the ways mentioned below are proven ways to make money online without investment, they might not be quick. They require reasonable efforts for a few months.


If you have a hobby like Web designing, content writing or you are willing to learn one, then freelancing can be beneficial for you. Just join a site like and select your niche.

Your earnings from your freelancing account depends upon your expertise in your field. The better the quality of your work, the more is your income.

Keep in mind the kind of projects that you want to work on. Example – If you are a website designer, then you need to ask yourself a few questions-

  1. Do I want to work with small business owners or big enterprises?
  2. Can my ideal client afford my services?
  3. Do I have the necessary skills that my ideal client seeks?

The answer to these questions will help you plan your journey accordingly.

Also, create a good portfolio. Your portfolio interacts with your potential customers before you. Mention the previous projects that you have worked on. 

Do mention your previous customer’s reviews. Good reviews make your profile more appealing and make you look reliable and authentic. Let’s say you are new to Freelancing and want some content writing work. Then you need to write some good stuff so that you have something to show for your skill.

You also need to build a network. The first step is to having a professional LinkedIn profile, describing your work.                                                                   

Try to establish contacts with people who are already in your line of business. Don’t hesitate to ask them for help. They can recommend some visitors to you. 

If you are new to all this, chances are that you may not earn from freelancing immediately. Don’t get disheartened. Keep improving your skills to get better results.

If you are getting some work, don’t hold back. Read this amazing article to know more about freelancing.

Read my article to know more about How to do Freelance Digital Marketing


If you are passionate about something, for example, smartphones, books, etc., then you can start a blog. Make a website, pick a category, and you are good to go!

Check out my article on Step by Step Guide on How to Start a Blog

Well, I wish it was that easy. For your blog to make some money, you need to post articles consistently. Know your audience. Write about things that matter to them.

Keep your website smooth and appealing. Once you can attract a decent amount of traffic to your website, then there is no looking back! You can earn from multiple sources like ads, affiliate marketing, promotion, and many more.

Google AdSense

Google AdSense is one of the most fruitful ways to make money online in India. It works on a simple criterion- if your blog drives a decent amount of traffic, Google will pay you for putting up ads on it.

So all you need is a Blog. Start by designing your website to make it look attractive and appealing. Post regularly about your topic( can be entertainment, sports, etc.). When your site is getting decent traffic, you can apply for Google AdSense. 

The earnings from GoogleAdSense increases, as your traffic increases. Keep updating your blog from time to time. People are earning 5000-6000 rupees daily from GoogleAdSense. It can easily be your primary source of income.



If you have a blog or are planning to have one, Affiliate marketing is a genuine way of making money online with no investment. There are a lot of affiliate programs like the Amazon’s Affiliate program, Flipkart’s Affiliate program, and many more.

All you need to do is promote a product, and every time someone buys using your link, you get a commission. Sounds cool, right!

What makes things even more exciting is that these programs are free to join. All you need is to sign up, and you are good to go!

Read my in-depth article on how to do affiliate marketing in India


If you have some core competency, then you can be a consultant. You need to be qualified to be a consultant.

If you are a student and know a lot about fitness and health products, then you can be a fitness consultant. 

The first step of being a consultant is to have the skill and a degree that certifies you as an expert. People consult an expert for their opinion. So you need to be an expert. Well, it’s not as challenging as it sounds.

If you practice something for more than 100 hours, you have more knowledge about it than an average man. So find something you are passionate about and start learning.

Read something about it every day, and in a few weeks, you will be ready to go.

Check out this video to make money online in India


Fiverr is an excellent place to make money online, especially if you are a student. It gives you a stable platform to earn money fast. Starting with Fiverr is quite simple. 

Just create an account on Fiverr. It’s free to join!

Then you will have to fill all the information about how you like to do business. You will need to specify a job. Now I will mention a few categories that don’t require any specialized skills.

One of the works is to study the market. Sounds so smooth, Right! All it requires you to do is spend some of your time searching on Google. Present your work in such a way that it looks professional. It doesn’t require you to have a prior set of skills. Hard work of a few hours will land you with a decent income.

Another way is to proofread people’s material. All you need is to be thorough with all the grammar rules. Just proofread your customer’s eBook, articles, essays, and they will pay you well. 

You can also start making animated videos. You will need to learn some editing skills, but it can land you with high paying work. Once you start making animated videos, your skills will keep on improving. This will, in turn, land you with better-paying jobs.

Read this amazing article to know more about how to make money on Fiverr 


If you think that writing is not your cup of tea, don’t worry. You can make videos and post them on Youtube. All you need to do is find a topic and keep making videos about it.

Though it is not as easy as blogging, it is easily doable. When your Youtube channel gets decent views, you can be part of Youtube’s partner program. 

There are a few categories that have achieved success on Youtube. People like to watch funny and entertaining content. So you can start a comedy Youtube channel. But you need to be quite creative with your content.

People also love to watch videos that are helpful to them. You can make videos about new technology if you are into tech. If you like to cook, you can always produce videos showing new recipes. It is practically possible to make videos about anything for Youtube!


Anything that connects with your audience will be viewed. 

Want a head start on your Youtube journey? Then read this amazing article on how to get Youtube Subscribers


If photography is your thing, then you can make it a source of income. All you need is a decent camera, and you are good to go! 

Various platforms can give you a sound commission for your pictures. Istockphoto and Shutterstock are two such platforms. Some more websites are equally popular. You can also refer photographers and earn some money whenever their photos are purchased. 

Some other apps like Foam lets you sell your photos on your smartphone. If you think clicking pictures is what you are good at, you can earn 400-500 rupees for every click. How cool is that!

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It is one of the most convenient ways of making money for students in India. All you need is to choose the topic that you are familiar with. It can be anything you like, from as simple as 6th grade Math and English to as complicated as hard-core physics. There are various platforms where you can interact with students.


It is a great platform to sell your course. It is one of the biggest online learning platforms, with over 24 million students. So if you have any skills like Finance, Digital Marketing, Data Analytics, Video Editing, etc. just register yourself on Udemy and start earning.


Italki is only for online language learning. So if you are proficient in any language, it is an excellent platform for you, with a student base of 3 million. You can reach an audience of local and international students.


Vedantu is an online tutoring website in India. It provides you with a stage to teach any subject like Math, Biology, Chemistry, Sanskrit, etc. You can tutor students of any class, depending on your knowledge and potential.

This website claims that if you work here for 4hr/day, then you can easily earn a minimum of 25,000 Rupees. People who are working full time are making up to 75,000 Rupees.


People understand the importance of social media. A lot of businesses use social media to connect with their target audience. So Influencers play a significant role these days.

People can earn 20,000 rupees for a single post on Facebook and Instagram. You can make a lot of money from social media. If you want to be an influencer on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, etc., then you need a strong follower base.

Your followers are your assets. People will follow you if you keep them entertained. Posting entertaining stuff is the best way to gain followers. 

Though increasing your followers and gaining your audience’s trust is a long-term process, but it will surely repay your hard work beautifully. 

If you want to increase followers, do read the article on how to get Instagram followers for free.

Creating an account and getting a few thousand followers is a long and patient journey. So people are always looking to buy accounts with a lot of followers.

So you can always sell your account if you don’t want to use it any further. Remember, more the followers, more the money for it. People pay as much as 1 Lac rupees for a 50k followers account.

Check out the video to learn tips on how to earn money online in India


The business of buying and selling domain is a tricky one. You can earn a lot if you hit the right spot. But finding such a domain name is very challenging. 

You need a proper strategy to find such a domain name. Try to find catchy phrases when searching for a domain. These kinds of domains have better chances of generating revenue. 

Also, you can sell your domain name on


This is a great way to make money online in India, especially for students. All you need is decent web designing skills, which is not the hardest thing to learn.

Flipping websites is a lot like buying and selling a domain. The difference is you buy a website, renovate it, and sell it for a much higher price. This kind of business is a lot less uncertain than buying and selling a domain. 

This business requires very little investment, and making attractive websites can really fuel your income.


Data entry jobs can be a decent source of income, especially if you are a student. These jobs don’t require you to have any unique set of skills. 

This work is easy and takes a few hours a day, depending on the volume of the work. There is still a considerable demand in this sector. You need to make sure that you join a legitimate company. Avoid joining any unauthentic or unknown website/company. You can also do these data entry jobs as a freelancer. 


The demand for Virtual Assistants is increasing rapidly, especially for entrepreneurs and small businesses.

It is exactly like having an assistant, just over the web. You will have to do all the work of a Personal Assistant. This will include making phone calls, responding to emails, scheduling appointments, blog management, proofreading, etc. 

All you need is some necessary core skills like good English, decent writing skills, and some elementary computer skills.

You can list yourself for the jobs of a virtual assistant over freelancing sites. 


SMS sending jobs is all about sending messages on Mobile Phones. It is a nice way to make money with no investment. Companies are paying decent money for sending SMS. 

What makes it more charming is that it is free to join. Most of the SMS sending jobs will pay you on a daily basis. So you can always give these jobs a try.

Also, you don’t need any prior skills for this job. Just a Mobile Phone and a few hours of hard work daily can provide you with a regular source of income.

You can explore more about SMS sending jobs here.


So what exactly is Microwork? It can be any small work like writing a hundred words about something, or creating an account on Gmail.

Check out my article on Notch up your business game using Gmail for business!

It is beneficial if you get bored quickly from doing the same type of work. There are a couple of websites that pay you well for Microwork. All you need to do is join any of these websites. Some of these websites are Micro WorkersMini Jobz, etc. Do some basic work and earn quick money!


This method requires you to make some investment in the stock market which requires a lot of knowledge and experience. There are a lot of stocks to invest in.

If you are interested in trading and investment, start by reading about the concepts of the stock market. You will need an investment of around 10,000 rupees to make some visible earnings.

Also, learn about the type of investments that you can make. Try to figure out whether you are in for a long run or a short run. Make your basics about investment clear. Invest smartly and let your money work for you.


You can invest in the stock market by earning some money from other methods mentioned here. 


If you know a few languages, this can be the job for you! There is still a decent demand for translating jobs in the market. 

If you are fluent in Spanish, French, etc., then you can be work with foreign companies. This may make you earn a commission in foreign currency. You can find a few translation jobs here. 


There are a lot of sites that give you money to get their reviews filled. Companies recognize the importance of reviews. With increasing competition, companies are getting desperate for user reviews. 

They want to get helpful feedback for their products. Companies have incentivized the process of getting reviews and filling out surveys. Just be careful about choosing the right companies.

Here is a list of reliable companies that provide decent fees for filling out surveys


If you think you can type fast and accurately, this might be the job for you. Captcha is a program that distinguishes between some software and a human. 

So you are testing their program and getting paid for it. Several sites pay for Captcha entry work. People are earning as much as 15,000 rupees from it. Some of these websites include Kolotibablo, Captcha2cash, MegaTypers, etc.


There are certain apps that let you earn some money every time you perform a task. So if you spend a lot of your time on your smartphone, then it can be a desirable option for you. 

There is an app called SquadRun. It gives you a task that tries to figure out your strengths according to your answers. After that, you will be assigned tasks based on it.

Apps like Mcent give you money every time you use their app for tasks like recharging your mobile number. You also make money when you watch some ads. You can also refer your friends and make them download this app to increase your earnings.

If you like to eat outside often, this can be helpful for you. There are apps like Yumchek. All you need to do is upload receipts of the restaurant that you visited.

Every time you upload a receipt for a meal, you will get some money added to your account. The app has another feature that also allows you to search for restaurants close to you.


So the world of the Internet provides you with ample opportunities to make money online in India. All you need is to find the opportunity that best suits you. 

So spend some time exploring them. Try to figure out what kind of work you would like to do. Be clear with the amount of work you are ready to put in.

There are a significant number of alternatives for making money for students. All you need to do is dedicate a few hours online, and you will make decent money in no time. Don’t be picky with the work at the start.

Get as much experience as you can get, so that you have a reasonable estimate of the market’s demand. Then you can always alter your skills according to it.

And now I would like to hear from you! Which strategy from today’s post are you excited the most? Or maybe you have a doubt about something you read. Either way, let me know by leaving a comment below.

Don’t forget to check out my article on 15 guaranteed tips for Amazon Associates in India.

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4,010 thoughts on “20 Amazing Ways to make Money Online in India like a Pro [Video]

  1. Hi Seema

    Interesting suggestions here.

    I’ve been blogging for a number of years now and I coach other bloggers to monetize their blogs.

    I think for most people, affiliate marketing like you suggest is the best, easiest and fastest way to do that.

    But you must carefully choose a niche, better yet… a very select mini-niche. There are many ways to rise above the competition once you’ve done that.

    Also, teaching courses and delivering online learning via video, especially… is a great way to build digital assets that can pay off perpetually.

    Nice article here, and I think you’ve given your readers some worthwhile things to consider.


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  764. Today, I went to the beach with my kids. I found a sea shell and gave it to my 4 year old daughter and said “You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear.” She placed the shell to her ear and screamed.
    There was a hermit crab inside and it pinched her ear.
    She never wants to go back! LoL I know this is entirely off topic but I had to tell someone!

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    The reason I ask is because your layout seems different then most
    blogs and I’m looking for something unique.
    P.S Apologies for getting off-topic but I had to ask!

  768. I really love your website.. Pleasant colors & theme.
    Did you make this web site yourself? Please reply
    back as I?m wanting to create my very own site and would love
    to learn where you got this from or just what the theme
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    You might try adding a video or a related pic or two to grab people excited about everything’ve
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  771. I’m really loving the theme/design of your blog.
    Do you ever run into any internet browser compatibility issues?
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    not operating correctly in Explorer but looks great in Firefox.
    Do you have any recommendations to help fix this problem?

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    appreciate it

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    blog like yours would cost a pretty penny? I’m not very web savvy so I’m not 100% positive.
    Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated.

  781. After I initially commented I seem to have clicked on the -Notify me when new comments are
    added- checkbox and now each time a comment is
    added I recieve four emails with the same comment.

    Perhaps there is a way you are able to remove me
    from that service? Kudos!

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  784. I know this if off topic but I’m looking into starting my
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    I’m assuming having a blog like yours would cost a pretty penny?
    I’m not very web smart so I’m not 100% sure. Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated.

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    and set up my own. Do you need any html coding knowledge to make
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  835. When I originally commented I clicked the “Notify me when new comments are added”
    checkbox and now each time a comment is added I get several e-mails with the
    same comment. Is there any way you can remove people from that service?
    Thank you!

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    You can opt for independent living communities if are
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    These types of retirement homes provide activities
    for you to enjoy the time as well as physical activities to keep
    you healthy and fit as you get older. There are also communities for military retirees that are focused on helping veterans who are approaching the age of retirement or those who have served in the armed forces at some point in their lives and
    some even offer services to spouses of veterans who have served before.
    If these are the type of senior retirement communities that you want, it pays
    to start looking into your options and what you’re eligible for now.

    There are even Christian or Catholic retirement communities that to provide a lifestyle you
    can live a life that’s tailored to your moral and religious beliefs often with churches right on the campus or within the community.
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    Politechnika Częstochowska uczelnią dostępną.
    Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską w ramach
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  1481. Politechnika Częstochowska
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    Adres skrytki podawczej Politechniki Częstochowskiej w systemie ePUAP:

    Copyright © Politechnika Częstochowska. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone.

    Politechnika Częstochowska uczelnią dostępną.

    Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską w ramach Europejskiego
    Funduszu Społecznego.

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  1483. A solar panel is a piece of equipment that uses the
    energy from the sun in order to produce heat or
    in some instances electricity. It’s also referred to as a photovoltaic cells since it’s comprised of numerous cells that are
    used to convert the light from solar radiation into
    electric energy. The sole raw material used in the solar panel is the sun. They are constructed so
    that the cells face the sun to allow maximum absorption by sun rays.
    The more energy that comes from the sun is, the greater amount of
    electricity is produced. Solar panels are used throughout the world due to their numerous benefits that outweigh the cons.

    Some of these pros are discussed below. The main benefit of solar solar
    panels is that these do not emit any harmful gases that are commonly found in green houses.
    Solar panels don’t emit any fumes, chemicals or heavy metals that can be harmful
    to health. Solar panels are therefore environmentally green when compared to the burning of fossil
    fuels to produce energy. This is important because carbon emissions are dangerous and reducing their emissions helps in protecting our current as well
    as the future of our planet. Being environmentally conscious is vital because the government is always coming up with
    strategies to curb global warming. The use of solar panels is an ideal method to begin.
    Solar panels ensure an environment that is clean and let the air smell fresh.
    More importantly they help in preventing a variety of cancer-related incidents.
    This is due to the fact that certain products that come from sources of energy, like nuclear energy are believed to cause
    cancer through the emergence of mutations within cells.
    In addition, the use of solar panels will provide continuous power
    for those who use it. This is mainly because the
    only expense involved is that of the installation. Once the installation is completed, the energy will be free since the panel does not require any regular maintenance or fuel to operate it.
    Also, it does not require essential raw materials to operate.
    It operates when there is sun light that are common throughout
    the world. In a world where equal distribution of resources
    are constantly being sought, it is essential that each and everyone is entitled to equal rights in the utilization of solar energy.
    This is because solar energy falls on all. This is a method to ensure equality
    in comparison to the energy produced by fossil fuels that low-income homesteads
    do not have the funds to pay for in many instances.

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